Thursday, June 23, 2011

Muslim Clothing

       Allah says, "O prophet say to your wives, your daughters, and wives of the believers, let them extend their scarf around your body. That is so they are easier to be recognized, therefore they are not disturbed. And Allah is All-forgiving, Most Merciful. " (Al-Ahzab [33]: 59) 

        Prophet Muhammad SAW said: "Whoever lowers the fabric for pride, God will not see him on the Day of Resurrection." Umm Salamah then asked Muhammad "What should a woman against her skirts?" The Prophet replied "Let them extend an inch." "Then open the palms of their feet?" he asked again. then Prophet replied "if so, should they extend a cubit, no more".
The conclusion is: 

1. Women's clothing should be wide and long to cover both feet. Not like the clothing the men who ordered Muhammad. Namely the short half calf, not exceeding the ankles. But what happened today is the opposite. The kakum men seemed always to exceed the length dress to the ankles, while the women vying to show off all her limbs, with a shortened clothing until the knees, even on anymore. such, it is forbidden for them to get into heaven, to receive the punishment his actions 

When the soles of her fabric alone should not be seen, let alone his face. The opening of a woman's face, an imitation activities to those 0orang infidels and foreigners, and also a form tasyabuh. while in the hadith states that: 

"Whoever imitates a people, so he included among them". 

It would be nice if we imitate them only in things that are useful alone. Like the creation of manufacturing light bulbs and others. But the phenomenon that there is, we prefer to imitate the west in terms of sin rather than vice versa. naudzubillah ..... hopefully we are always in the shadow of God. amen ....

Show your personality with your appearance

Appearance is like an item that can be estimated how much they cost. that is, the better one's appearance, the better the person's assessment also to himself. however, the increasingly erratic appearance of someone, the more frivolous anyway someone will judge him. but that does not mean we can go around judging someone from his appearance. Well, here we will find out how to show our personalities through our performance. in fact, we can demonstrate our performance through our personalities. how??  
Oke, first is, what if you look at, adjacent, and talk to someone who does not look clean, neat, and not interesting? and how also if you look at, adjacent, and spoke with someone who is looking clean, neat, and attractive??  
In my opinion, you are definitely not possible to give the same answer to two questions. Of course, you would have more respect to someone who is looking clean, neat, and attractive. and vice versa, you will definitely stay away from people who look dirty, untidy and unattractive. measuring actual departure not only of three things alone. but there are many more other factors that could be used as benchmarks.  

Well, from my earlier question, it turns out we can pull the following conclusion:
Dressed  reasonably
2. Should be clean, neat, and attractive
3. not excessive and not less
must be that time and place
If we do four things that I described above, God willing, people will judge us with a good personality.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

look more beautiful with the addition of accessories to dress and veil

Women, always synonymous with beauty. We all as women will certainly always try how to be able to always look perfect in front of many people. especially for Muslim women. who says the hijab can not look beautiful and attractive, do not worry about the veiled Muslim women, there are many ways to really change our appearance to look perfect even if veiled. and here I will give one of its inspiration from a variety of ways that we can do for it. it is the gift of clothing or accessories on the veil that we wear. include:

- Jewelry
- Scarves
- Belt
- Sunglasses
- Bras & lingerie

look more beautiful with the addition of accessories to dress and veil

Ciput choose to look more beautiful with hijab

Choosing ciput / depths hijab, is one important factor for the Muslim, to appear beautiful when covered.
to choose ciput / depths hijab, Muslim women are advised to choose ciput that:

1. In accordance with the shape of the face,
2. Comfortable when used,
3. Trendy if possible, 
  4. Choosing a color that is commensurate with the veil

There are times when someone who wants to always look trendy, select ciput that does not fit the shape of her face, or it could also impose an uncomfortable ciput wear on his head, might not even fit in choosing colors.

Well, the Muslim, the following options ciput / innards headscarf can be an inspiration for you:

1. Ciput Marshanda,

2. Ciput Konde 2 in 1,


3. Ciput Cempol Ropes,


4. Brocade bandana,



5. Arab Ciput plain, and


 6. Ciput triangular hat.



Good luck .......

Friday, June 17, 2011

Look beautiful with a pashmina scarf

Pashmina, is one type of veil / scarf / hood that is a trend today. Apparently, it could also be used as a pashmina scarf. In addition to saving, looks can also be very interesting. Another advantage, pashmina price is relatively cheaper, and various shades and colors. So that we can match with different clothes united our Muslim, that looks pretty enticing.
How to use it was also not difficult. almost the same way ordinary hijab, such as the hijab paris. only, they need a little creative, to look neat and pretty. by adding a few knick knacks, will look beautiful and charming with a pashmina.
Here's how to wear Scarf Pashmina

1. Use ciput as innards.
2. Put pashmina head, with the left side shorter than the right.
3. Pull the pashmina a long, circular neck backward from the     top down, until they run out, then give the pin at the top of the pashmina a looped end to the above, you decorate a brooch or pin hijab headscarf, to maklook  more beautiful.

Modern Robe

Robe, is one type of Muslim clothing that could become an alternative model for Muslim women to look fashionable.
frocks that reaches to the ankles, besides being very comfortable to wear, because it feels loose in the waist, those who wear it will look more beautiful and feminine.
The fashion designer was also not desperate to modify the Muslim fashion such that no less interesting to look and look more beautiful with wear Muslim dress. especially at this time. shirt to be one option, besides as many choices of models and variations, plus the addition of details and a sweet accent. robe made
​​an appearance once more spectacular nan indah.banyak Indonesian artist who has always been faithful with a fashion show muslimahnya. even not a few among them who have become trensetter.

Several variations of the model Carhartt
1. Carhartt for formal events
   Carhartt model choice for formal events such as weddings, robe which already have such graceful carriage longdress, living adjustments materials alone. use a cloth that gives the impression of luxury and elegance. such as satin or brocade, combined with a shawl organdy, silk, or it could be the addition of sequins.
2. Carhartt for semi-formal event 

   For semi-formal event, can be used in combination with materials of batik material or any material santung satin.
3. Carhartt materials for non-formal events
   To show this one, will tend to relax nan fashionable appearance. therefore the selection of t-shirts or cotton material can be used as an alternative material selection.
good luck .....