Thursday, June 23, 2011

Show your personality with your appearance

Appearance is like an item that can be estimated how much they cost. that is, the better one's appearance, the better the person's assessment also to himself. however, the increasingly erratic appearance of someone, the more frivolous anyway someone will judge him. but that does not mean we can go around judging someone from his appearance. Well, here we will find out how to show our personalities through our performance. in fact, we can demonstrate our performance through our personalities. how??  
Oke, first is, what if you look at, adjacent, and talk to someone who does not look clean, neat, and not interesting? and how also if you look at, adjacent, and spoke with someone who is looking clean, neat, and attractive??  
In my opinion, you are definitely not possible to give the same answer to two questions. Of course, you would have more respect to someone who is looking clean, neat, and attractive. and vice versa, you will definitely stay away from people who look dirty, untidy and unattractive. measuring actual departure not only of three things alone. but there are many more other factors that could be used as benchmarks.  

Well, from my earlier question, it turns out we can pull the following conclusion:
Dressed  reasonably
2. Should be clean, neat, and attractive
3. not excessive and not less
must be that time and place
If we do four things that I described above, God willing, people will judge us with a good personality.

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