Thursday, June 23, 2011

Muslim Clothing

       Allah says, "O prophet say to your wives, your daughters, and wives of the believers, let them extend their scarf around your body. That is so they are easier to be recognized, therefore they are not disturbed. And Allah is All-forgiving, Most Merciful. " (Al-Ahzab [33]: 59) 

        Prophet Muhammad SAW said: "Whoever lowers the fabric for pride, God will not see him on the Day of Resurrection." Umm Salamah then asked Muhammad "What should a woman against her skirts?" The Prophet replied "Let them extend an inch." "Then open the palms of their feet?" he asked again. then Prophet replied "if so, should they extend a cubit, no more".
The conclusion is: 

1. Women's clothing should be wide and long to cover both feet. Not like the clothing the men who ordered Muhammad. Namely the short half calf, not exceeding the ankles. But what happened today is the opposite. The kakum men seemed always to exceed the length dress to the ankles, while the women vying to show off all her limbs, with a shortened clothing until the knees, even on anymore. such, it is forbidden for them to get into heaven, to receive the punishment his actions 

When the soles of her fabric alone should not be seen, let alone his face. The opening of a woman's face, an imitation activities to those 0orang infidels and foreigners, and also a form tasyabuh. while in the hadith states that: 

"Whoever imitates a people, so he included among them". 

It would be nice if we imitate them only in things that are useful alone. Like the creation of manufacturing light bulbs and others. But the phenomenon that there is, we prefer to imitate the west in terms of sin rather than vice versa. naudzubillah ..... hopefully we are always in the shadow of God. amen ....

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